March 10-13, 2025
Safe Credit Union Convention Center, Sacramento, CA


Special Registration Pricing for the 2026 Conference in Long Beach!
Available only March 10-13th during the 2025 Conference
REGISTER NOW for 2026!

General Session Keynotes and Panels


Championing Inclusion and Accessibility for All Students

Haben Girma

Learn more here: Deafblind Lawyer, Dancer & Surfer Haben Girma Named a Hero by BBC


Hidden in Plain Sight: Serving Students Experiencing Homelessness, Foster Youth, and LGBTQ+ Youth with Excellence


Harvesting Dreams: Resilience and Opportunity, My Journey as a Charter School Alumna

Erica Alfaro

Learn more here: Introducing Erica Alfaro


Legacy of Leadership: The Trailblazing Founders of California Charter Schools

Thank you to our 2025 Conference Sponsors!

Principal Sponsor

Scam Warning

SELLING ATTENDEE DATA: We have been notified that organizations have been misrepresenting themselves as having affiliation with CCSA sending spam emails for the CCSA conference in an attempt to sell attendee emails and phone numbers. Please be aware that these organizations are not sanctioned by CCSA. CCSA does not sell attendee email addresses or phone numbers.

HOTELS: We have been notified that organizations misrepresenting themselves as housing vendors for the CCSA conference have been contacting attendees and exhibitors in an attempt to solicit business. Please be aware that these organizations are not sanctioned by CCSA. Neither CCSA, host hotels, nor any official housing representative will make solicitations to attendees or exhibitors about housing. To ensure the validity of your reservations, please book your rooms directly by using the hotel links on the CCSA Conference website.

CCSA privacy policy, terms of use, and conference code of conduct

Hosted by the California Charter Schools Association.