March 10-13, 2025 • SAFE Credit Union Convention Center • Sacramento, CA

Charter Denial and Nonrenewal Appeals to the State Board of Education

How does the State Board of Education apply its “abuse of discretion” standard, and what does it mean in practical terms for new charter petitions and renewals? This session will examine the post-AB 1505 appeals heard by the State Board of Education and what has transpired in the court battles that followed, including the only approval of a school under the new standard. We will review lessons learned, changes in State law that affect these appeals, and the current status of related litigation.


Presented by

Janelle Ruley
Partner/Attorney at Law
Young, Minney & Corr, LLP

Janelle Ruley has been an ardent charter rights advocate and has assisted in the establishment and renewal of hundreds of charter schools. Janelle’s primary focus is on charter development, renewal, and revocation defense. She has represented charter schools in numerous venues, including before administrative agencies, the courts, school districts, county BOE, and the State BOE. Janelle regularly counsels’ clients regarding charter development, negotiations with granting agencies, compliance with public transparency laws and related policy development, as well as Local Control Funding Formula/LCAP issues, student admissions, lottery requirements, and a wide range of school safety issues.

John Lemmo
Young, Minney & Corr LLP

Widely recognized throughout the state as a leading authority in charters, education, and government law, John has counseled charters, public agencies, and nonprofits on operations, facilities, finance, governance, policy, innovation and other legal issues for nearly three decades. John is experienced in political advocacy and has litigated many of the most significant charter lawsuits. He regularly handles charter material revisions, petitions/renewals, lease/purchases, strategic planning, and authorizer relations, and has deep expertise in NCB schools. John is a frequent presenter to CCSA and numerous other professional and academic organizations, covering charter school law and policy, education, and government law.

Michelle Lynch
Senior Legal Counsel
California Charter Schools Association

Michelle serves as Senior Legal Counsel for the California Charter Schools Association. As well as being an attorney, Michelle is also a seasoned government affairs professional, with several years of experience on the Government Affairs Team at CCSA, as well as working in policy development in the Administration of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
