March 14-17, 2022 • Long Beach Convention Center • Long Beach, CA

What Every Board Member Should Look For: Indicators of Success & Stability

Long Beach Convention Center, 103A

Charter board members fulfill a critical function in ensuring the success and well-being of schools but vary in their training and level of preparedness. What are the red flags that signal when a school is in danger -- in finance, operations, student achievement? How do we measure success aligned to our mission and vision? What preventative measures help decrease risk? We’ll provide recommendations and tools for Board members to govern with consistent and effective oversight.

Operational Integrity - School governance
Board members, New school developers

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Presented by

Annie Crangle McCauley
Annie Mac & Co

Annie is a team leader, strategist, and coach. She utilizes her experiences in education, business, and athletics to facilitate inclusive strategic planning processes. Her ability to work across sectors and with diverse leaders stems from years of advising social impact organizations, playing Division I college basketball, and teaching elementary kids. Annie has worked in public education as a TFA alumnae, Minneapolis Public School District curriculum consultant, and strategic advisor to over thirty public schools across the country. She is a member of the Olympic Club Women’s National Basketball team and serves as the Board Chair for Playworks Northern California.

Cindy Frantz

EdTec Inc.

Jennifer Reyes
Sr. Manager, Educational Support Services
EdTec Inc.

Dr. Jennifer Reyes has extensive experience in teaching, school leadership, and instructional coaching. As part of the LCAP 360 Team, she assists schools in developing their Local Control Accountability Plans and processes to align with their mission and vision. She also supports with reporting and planning for accreditation, petitions, grant applications, and more. Prior to her arrival at EdTec, she served as a site leader, organization-level leader, and instructional coach with a charter school network in Los Angeles, where she developed expertise in school improvement and accountability. She earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership from UCLA.

Annice Weinstein
Senior Manager, Assessment Data & Analysis
EdTec Inc.

Annice has been assisting charter schools with analyzing and presenting their achievement data for renewals, WASC and grant proposals at EdTec for over a decade. More recently, she’s guided schools in developing their Local Control Accountability Plans (LCAP) and improving processes for monitoring progress. She also has expertise in the development and implementation of assessment systems for schools, such as IO, Illuminate, and DataDirector. Prior to joining EdTec, Annice managed Kaplan K12's student assessment system, and developed K-8 curriculum for LeapFrog SchoolHouse and Computer Curriculum Corporation.


Board Checklist: Indicators of Success
Board Governance by Friday + EdTec Slide Deck
Operational Integrity - School governance
Board members, New school developers

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